Monday, October 12, 2009
Good news from the Good Doctor
So I had my 12 week appointment on Friday and it went awesome! Ike and I got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. It was a really really awesome experience. I also was able to meet my doctor for the first time and he is great! I really love the OBGYN clinic I am going to. My doctor's name is Dr. Watabe. Cool huh? He is very calming. It took him a few minutes to find the heartbeat on Friday and I was starting to get nervous that there wasn't one but he reassured me that the baby was small and it had a lot of places to hide. He eventually found it and it was such a relief. I have had way too many dreams where I'm not actually pregnant or I end up giving berth to family pets. It was nice to know the baby is real. The rest of the visit was good. All my blood work came back and it was all good. No blood pressure or sugar problems or anything like that. I did have to come face to face with a scale which was terrifying. I've gained a wopping 15lbs in my first trimester alone. I'm pretty sure I will look like a whale by 9 months. We will see. On the way home I really wanted Taco Bell. Taco Bell has been all I have been thinking about for the past few days. That and chicken noodle soup. Both of those are so good. Honestly, that is probably the reason I gained 15lbs in my first trimester. I will have to watch it. I am definitely showing which is pretty exciting. I will be starting my second trimester very soon and everyone says that's when you explode. So we will see. All and all, Ike and I are doing great!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Big News Big News...
I can't fit into any of my pants and feel like vomiting all the time!!!... That's right... The Ike and April Carr family are pleased to announce their first child is on the way! So Ike and I are pregnant! We are very excited but at the same time I am already ready to be done with my first trimester. I am sick ALL THE TIME! And I do mean all the time. Some days I am more sick than others but mostly I am just sick all the time. I am a little over two months along. I had my fist doctor's appointment today and I am very proud of myself. The lab woman took four vials of blood and I didn't even vomit! I kind of fainted when I stood up but I never threw up. I am super proud of myself. I covered my face and looked at the opposite wall and the nurse probably thought I was insane but it was OK because I was fine. I actually thought about bringing an extra shirt in my purse just in case I did throw up on myself. For those of you who don't know...I can't handle needles or blood and I tend to faint and vomit when dealing with them. Ike took me out to breakfast as a celebration of my first appointment. My expected due date is April 21st but I am PRAYING that that is just a little early because it happens to be my last day of finals for winter semester and I'm pretty sure that will literally kill me. Classes are going great for both Ike and me. We are working hard and really really really looking forward to Christmas!!! WE CAN'T WAIT!!! We will get to see Jessica and Regan and whole family. P.S Jessica and Regan: You guys ROCK!!!! I want to hear some German at Christmas time!!
That's all!
That's all!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Back to School!
It feels so good to be back at school! Our first day was yesterday and even though it was tiring it was fun to be back in a classroom. Ike and I are both taking a full load of classes. I can tell my favorite class is going to be floral design and Ike loves his geology class. We are both enjoying BYU and it is wierd to see all the freshman around because they look so young! We had my aunt Becky and my cousin Chloe stay with us for a few days last week while Chloe was getting ready to start BYU for the first time. It made me remember what it was like when I started BYU. I lived in Deseret Towers that no longer exist. My dad drove me out and it was an awesome experience. We ate at the Subway right across from DT my first night here and went to K-Mart to get some things for my dorm. It was really a great experience. I remember there was also a snow storm coming in the night we showed up! The bakery is doing well but it is getting more and more stressfull as we get closer to the busy holiday season. Even though it is only the second day of school, Ike and I have been running into people non-stop from the past few years! It has been so exciting. The book store is absolutly crammed with people and the lines are insane. Ike will be starting intermural flag football in a few weeks and that is somthing he will have a lot of fun doing. We have made new plans for Christmas. We are going to go to Ohio and New Hampshire! We will start out in Ohio and visit my family then spend the second half of the break in New Hampshire with Ike's family. It will be so much fun. Jessica and Regan are moving to Germany this very soon and it is sad but exciting. I think it will be an awesome adventure. Oh, my dad got to come visit us for the weekend this past Saturday and Sunday and it was Awesome!!! It was so good to see him. I am so glad that he came to visit. My mom will be visiting him in Colorado this Thursday and then they are going back to Ohio by next Tuesday. It should be fun for them. Love you All!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Two weeks to school and a driving lesson!
So school starts in two weeks and Ike and I are really excited. We are both taking a full load of credits but I am excited because I am taking some classes that I have been wanting to take since my freshman year! I am super excited about floral design. It has always filled up or not worked with my schedule in the past. Ike gave me my first stick shift driving lesson today. I won't lie, it wasn't very pretty. I think I did better than I thought I would. I can reverse the car OK but having it move forward to begin with was a little harder. Clutches are hard. By the end of the lesson I wasn't stalling it every time which was good. Ike was very nice and didn't hassle me about ruining the gears( At one point I tried to shift to second but I forgot to push in the clutch and it wasn't pretty.) and I kept myself from becoming extremely frustrated and leaving the car. So overall it was a success. I think it will definitely be a while before I am road ready. Right now I feel more comfortable just dealing with flat parking lots. I will keep working at it though and hopefully I will get the hang of it at some point. I am excited that we have a car to begin with. Life for us has been pretty much work lately. This Thursday I am helping the Young Women sew school bags for the Church's humanitarian program and that should be fun. Ike is still ward clerk and doing a wonderful job. We miss you all!!! Love ya!
Monday, August 3, 2009
1 Year Anniversary just around the bend.
Well Ike and I have almost made it to our 1 year anniversary. We have less than 48 hours now and I am excited. On Sunday night the girls in our stake got their girls camp certificates and it made me think that they should give out certificates for marriage. I would be receiving my first year certificate. Instead of learning to tie a square knot or light a fire without matches I learned how to balance work, school, family, and marriage all at once. I learned how not to think so much about myself and more about how to think about us. I learned how to make sacrifices that I never realized I would make and I learned how to be thankful for blessing beyond belief. I think I have earned my first year's certificate. Ike and I made it through last week which was probably one of the busiest weeks of my summer. It was just a lot of errands and work mixed all together with hardly any sleep. On Friday night I went up to Girl's Camp for Bishop's night to see the girls and it was really fun. The Bishopric got us pizza and we had root beer floats. I had a really great time with the Young Women in the ward. They are all really awesome. I can't wait for school to start. I will be happy when Ike and I finally move from Provo. We both are really hoping to go somewhere in the east coast. I am really sad/excited that Jessica and Regan are leaving so soon. I have a hard time when I see pictures of my whole family together on facebook and they are all together without me. I wish we lived closer. I am really excited for Ben and Katie though. They told us today that they were selected by a birth mother and will be adopting a baby in October. I am so excited for them. Anyway this was a really all over there post. I hope everyone is enjoying their summers and I can't wait for the next time Ike and I get to visit you all.
Monday, July 20, 2009

Well Ike and I are pretty proud of ourselves! We have been working like crazy all summer and this is the first big thing we can show for it. We bought our first car today. We actually started looking at this car over a month ago. At first I actually didn't like it but I absolutely love it now! I think we should name it Hans because it originally came from Germany. I am so excited. It is a 1999 Volkswagen Golf. Not the most fancy car but I am in love with it. Now we are really going to have to watch what we eat because I think walking everywhere was the only thing keeping us thin! This has been the biggest purchase we have made as a couple and it was exciting. Now I just have to learn to drive a stick! I think I will be OK. Love to you all!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009
Oregon Trip!
Oregon was AWESOME!!! Ike and I had an amazing time in Oregon. We got to got to tons of cool places. We went to the coast and saw some beautiful waterfalls. Ike got to go to Idaho and Oregon for the first time and that was fun. We stayed with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Rich in their house for some of the trip and the other part we stayed in an awesome cabin near diamond lake. It was really fun to see all the cousins and relatives that we hadn't seen in a while. The trip was over too soon really and it was sad because Jess and Regan leave for Germany in less than a month. Jared is gone from Provo for now so it is just Ike and I holding down the BYU fort. It is weird to have Abe, Ashley and Jared gone but we are working to keep ourselves busy so its not so bad. It has been HOT HOT HOT here and we don't have air-conditioning. we have been using less and less blankets which is good because it saves on laundry. Ike and I are both looking forward to school starting. I am especially excited because this is my last year!!! Overall we are working hard and staying happy. We miss all you guys and can't wait for the next time we get to see some family. Our one year anniversary is coming up soon and we are both going to get work off so we can spend the entire day together. We think we might see the movie Up. It sounds good and everyone we have talked to has loved it. It would be fun to go see a movie in the theater. It is sooo expensive here to see a movie in the normal theater. Overall we are doing awesome and loving life. We love you all!!! Here are some highlights from the vacation!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Work Work Work
So Ike and I have busy work schedules. Usually I leave for work just as Ike is getting home and then I get home around the time he has left for his second job. Since we both work two jobs and the hours go from early in the morning to very late at night most of the time we spend together is spent sleeping. I have a new job doing custodial in the Wilkinson Center from 10pm to 2am. It is a little tiring but my body is adjusting. We are glad we are working this way now though. It helps us stay out of debt and save for the future. I can see us telling our kids about this time in our lives when they are our age now.
Monday, June 8, 2009
This is our home!

For those of you who have not seen where we live, here are a few pictures to give you and idea of what our apartment is like. We moved in a few days before school started last august. It has one bedroom and is a good size for the two of us.

We were originally looking for a studio apartment in the complex we are in but when the one we wanted was sold, we saw our apartment and decided to go for it. We have the only one in the complex with the wood paneled walls. All the other apartments have white cinder block walls.

We will probably be living here until Ike graduates so it will be about another two years. We are happy with it though. We are really close to campus and work and we love our ward.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Carr Crew Blog!
Hey Guys! Ike and I thought it would be a good idea to start a blog to give our families a chance to keep up with what we are up to! I will admit, we are not the most interesting couple but we do have a few things going on in our lives that other people might be interested in. So, for all of you on the Carr side and all on the Harvey side, here is a brief update as to what has been going on in our lives!
Ike is working two jobs right now and also managing to fulfill his calling as ward clerk! I really don't know how he does it but he does and its amazing. He was sad to see the Celtics fall out of the running for NBA Champs so soon but we have faith for next year! Now we focus our attention on the RED SOX! Ike's job at Burger king has wonderful perks including providing probably 60% or our diet. I don't actually know if thats a good thing but I know it tastes good. Ike has two years of school left before he can start work as a Science Teacher. It is nice to have an end to school in sight!
I am also working two jobs but not nearly as many hours as Ike is. I work at a Bakery and also at a little burger place in a bowling alley on campus. I love working at the bakery but unfortunately, sweet rolls and fattening breads provide the other 40% or our diet! Thank goodness we don't have a car and have to do a lot of walking or we would both be in trouble. I have gotten better and don't bring home quite as many sweet rolls as I used to. I am working as the second councilor in the Young Women's program in my ward. I LOVE my calling. I love working with the girls; I feel like I have learned so much. I only have one year of school left and it is exciting and scary at the same time to think that this portion of my life is coming to a close.
Ike and I are coming up on our 10 month anniversary. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. We are looking forward to going to Oregon with my family for the 4th of July. It will be nice because Jessica and Regan are going to Germany in the fall and who knows how long it will be before we see them again. Hopefully this blog will help the family that is far away feel a little closer to us. We miss and love you all!
Ike is working two jobs right now and also managing to fulfill his calling as ward clerk! I really don't know how he does it but he does and its amazing. He was sad to see the Celtics fall out of the running for NBA Champs so soon but we have faith for next year! Now we focus our attention on the RED SOX! Ike's job at Burger king has wonderful perks including providing probably 60% or our diet. I don't actually know if thats a good thing but I know it tastes good. Ike has two years of school left before he can start work as a Science Teacher. It is nice to have an end to school in sight!
I am also working two jobs but not nearly as many hours as Ike is. I work at a Bakery and also at a little burger place in a bowling alley on campus. I love working at the bakery but unfortunately, sweet rolls and fattening breads provide the other 40% or our diet! Thank goodness we don't have a car and have to do a lot of walking or we would both be in trouble. I have gotten better and don't bring home quite as many sweet rolls as I used to. I am working as the second councilor in the Young Women's program in my ward. I LOVE my calling. I love working with the girls; I feel like I have learned so much. I only have one year of school left and it is exciting and scary at the same time to think that this portion of my life is coming to a close.
Ike and I are coming up on our 10 month anniversary. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. We are looking forward to going to Oregon with my family for the 4th of July. It will be nice because Jessica and Regan are going to Germany in the fall and who knows how long it will be before we see them again. Hopefully this blog will help the family that is far away feel a little closer to us. We miss and love you all!
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