Today I feel like writing about the things I love most. I am focusing on THINGS and not people. Obviously my awesome husband and baby would top the list of favorite people but today its all about the material things.
1. Frito Pies!
It might just be because I had one for Lunch and Dinner or it might be because they are amazing but either way I love frito pies. Whats not to like? The chips, cheese, chilli, sour cream...just thinking about them makes me want to have a third bowl...can my stomach take it? I guess I will have to find out.

2. Bathrobes.
Nothing says warm and comfy like a bathrobe...except maybe a snuggy but bathrobes are way more classy. Bathrobes have a special place in my heart, especially ones made by my mother.

3. JoAnn Fabrics. My favorite store. I could spend hours and hours just looking at everything. This store literally has everything I want in it. (Christmas is coming....just saying.) I would be willing to push over an old lady to get in there when patterns are on sale for $.99! Who can resist the 40%off coupons? Jo Ann is like my very expensive and money sucking best friend.

4. Young Adult Fiction.
Yes I have a weak spot for Jacob black and Harry Potter but cut me some slack. Is it so bad if I don't want to read this week's New York Time's best seller and would rather curl up to a juicy teenage thriller? Pulitzer...schmulitzer, I have Twilight.

5. Crafting.
Who doesn't love making something out of nothing. Sometimes as a stay at home mom it is pretty easy to feel like I am not doing anything with my life (I know its not true don't worry!) but making some kind of pretty craft I can display in my home always makes me feel good and worth while.

I do like more things than just what is on this list but these were at the forefront of my mind today.