J : Joyous! He is always happy. Well not
always, but pretty much almost always. He didn't even make a fuss when I had to put drops in his eyes for the last five days. He is always ready to smile.
A : Active! Jackson loves to run. He runs in the house, in the yard, in the library and pretty much anywhere else his feet will touch the ground and he has more than five feet of space. He likes to just run in circles in our living room. He is always moving and doing something.
C : Carr! Jackson is a Carr through and through. Sometimes I wonder if he got any of my genes at all. He is the spitting image of his dad when Ike was 2. He has the tell tale Carr cowlick (correction...he has 3 tell tale Carr cowlicks!!!) and he loves loves
loves to watch Sports with his daddy. He can even identify the New England Patriots symbol.
K : K is for Kisses. I love to kiss Jackson and he occasionally will give me kisses. He gives kisses like he would bite you but does not close his teeth down. It is always a little scary because you never know if he is going in for a kiss or going in for a bite.
S : Sesame Street! Well, not the entire thing...just Elmo. We usually watch the last 15 minutes of Sesame Street every morning and Jackson is crazy for Elmo. Whenever he sees pictures of Elmo or an Elmo toy in the store he points and tries to get my attention. He would watch hours of Elmo if I let him. Thank goodness he is only on for 15 minutes a day.
O : Outside! This is Jackson's favorite place to be. He always wants to go outside even when it is waaayyyyyyyy too cold for me. When I won't let him out he will stand up on our chair in the living room and try to look out the window. I am counting down the days to summer.
N : NO! and yes. Jackson likes to communicate by shaking his head yes or no. Sometimes I feel like I am playing 20 questions with him trying to figure out what he wants. He is getting much better at saying words in general. (New words he has started saying recently: Jesus, Baby, Chair, Door, Boy and Hat. None of them are pronounced exactly right but we know what he means and we always clap when he says them.)
Jackson is going to be an awesome big brother. He already loves babies and I have no doubt he will love his new baby brother or sister ( FYI 6 days until we know the gender!!!)