Fullerton had Christmas break from Dec. 22nd to January 4th (Ike had to report on the 3rd) and we made good use of that break! We hit the road right after school on the 22nd and got back to Nebraska on the evening of the 22nd. We started in New Hampshire and ended in Ohio. We got to see both sides of the family and had great weather. It was an all around an amazing trip! So here is my top ten list of things I loved about this Christmas trip. But actually this list is in no particular order because EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING!!!
#10 The Car Ride
I know, almost fifty hours in a car with three kids doesn't sound like most people's wildest dream but I thought it was awesome. The boys were all great. I actually had time to cross stitch. Ike drove almost the whole way. It was pretty great.
#2 Grandma Carr's Stockings
I barely had time to cross stitch a tiny portrait for my sister during the last six months but somehow, my Mother-in-law managed to cross stitch a new stocking for all of us coming for Christmas. She is amazing!
This fireplace. Holy Cow.
#3 Visiting My Grandma McMahon
My Grandma McMahon is in a nursing home in Vermont so on our way to Ohio, we took a little detour to see her. It was wonderful. She held Hudson and it was by far the most excited she was during our visit.
#4 Meeting the Fiancés
My sister Katherine has been engaged for over a month now but Ike's brother Adam got engaged on Christmas day! I love both of my soon to be family members! And theres nothing I love more than a wedding and this summer I get to go to two!
Look at those cuties!
#5 Actually Being With My Mom On Her Birthday
I can't remember the last time I was actually with my mom on her birthday. It was awesome!
# 6 New Year's Eve
We all went to my sister Jessica's house for New Year's Eve and despite an Ohio State tragedy and Jackson vomiting all over himself, it was still a really fun time!
#7 Date Night with my Lovee!
Ike and I took advantage of my parent's good will and snuck out for a date by ourselves! We saw Rogue One and got some dinner alone! It was kind of amazing.
#8 The Game!
Ike, his brothers and his dad got to go to the Patriots game on Christmas Eve. It was an awesome experience for everyone. Ike's dad got to go to a game with a son in his 30s, in his 20s and in his teens. Meanwhile, the ladies at home, spent hours baking cookies and having a good time of our own.
#9 Visiting Abigail and Jeremy
While we were in Ohio, we took a little trip over to Kentucky to visit Ike's sister and her adorable family!
#10 The Magic at Grandma and Grandpa Carr's
The Carr house really is magic at Christmas. It was so wonderful. We all had on our Christmas PJs, we did all the Christmas traditions Ike has been telling me about for the past eight years, and we all even made it through the Moose in the Hoose without falling asleep (it took 60 minutes to read!!!!). I don't know if it was the candy cane juice, the new bathrobes or all the Christmas cookies I ate but this Christmas Eve made me feel like a kid again.
Look at those handsome men in their robes!
The ladies don't look too bad either!
Honestly, I should have made this my top 20 because now that I am done I still have a bunch of things I want to include! But this post is long enough. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!