Sunday, February 26, 2017

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

You know those jokes people make about your state where they say, "If you don't like the weather here...just wait a few minutes". Or basically something similar to that. Well this week was like that. We had BEAUTIFUL spring (summer?) 70 degree weather for the first half of the week then on Thursday night it got cold cold cold and we ended up with three inches of snow, fifty  mile an hour winds and a snow day. Now, I can't really complain about the snow day because that was awesome but I can complain about being so cold! We went from 72 on Wednesday to 16 degrees by Friday night. I slept with my bathrobe over my PJs I was so cold. I won't lie, that little taste of summer has got me itching for spring now!

We went to Brady's winter Pre-school social on Thursday night. His class performed some cute songs and we ate a great meal. It was fun for him to see all his little buddies outside of the classroom. 

 Brady is the one on the end in the striped shirt.  Hudson made it through the entire evening without having any kind of melt down, which was kind of a miracle...he is going through a (hopefully short) faze.

A few pictures from our amazing warm days this week!
 Hudson was fascinated by grass. He may have eaten more than a few leaves and possibly a rock.
 Trying to get a good picture when the sun was SO bright!

 Hudson enjoying more sun. I just thought it was cute that he kept putting his hands on his head.

It was dinosaur week at story hour at the Library and Brady got to make fossils. Also, he was more than a little excited about the hat.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why are we so sick!???

This has been a rough winter for our family as far as sickness goes.  Really ever since new years, someone has been sick in the family. And this week it was finally me. I have stayed healthy until now but I finally met my match. I have had some kind of stomach bug/flu/ear ache. It has been pretty terrible. Luckily, I have a really amazing husband (who is still recovering from his own flu from last week) who has stepped up and taken care of the house and the boys while I have tried to get better. I think I am on the mend and hopefully I will be the last one to get sick this winter.  Ike and I were supposed to have a romantic dinner tonight for Valentines but because of my sickness, Ike went out and got Dairy Queen for all of us.

I got a lovely delivery today from Ike for Valentines.
 I got Ike a Patriots Super Bowl shirt for his gift.
Ike had no school this past Friday so we decided to take Brady out to lunch. He doesn't to spend a lot of time with us without Jackson. 

Guess who turned 9 months last week?

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

Ok so I'm feeling pretty done with winter. We have been sick. It has been cold. I can't get my house to stay clean. Well, the house cleaning thing doesn't really have anything to do with winter but still it adds so my overall annoyance. I decided to limit Jackson and Brady's TV time drastically and because of that they now play with their toys all over the house. Yay for playing! Boo for toys everywhere. Still, it is better than them watching so much TV. They didn't even complain when we cut netflix. 

So what has been going on? For starters, we have been sick. It all started on New Year's Eve when Jackson threw up all over the place. Then for about three weeks Jackson, Brady and Hudson all kept passing this vomiting sickens to each other. I did so much laundry and went though all the Clorox wipes in the house. Then we were good for about a week and Ike started to feel sick. His symptoms were flu symptoms though. A day or two after he went down, Hudson got hit bad. He had over 100 degree temperature for almost a week. Ibuprofen worked to get his fever down but Tylenol didn't seem to do anything. I was so desperate to get his fever down between Ibuprofen doses that I even tried an old wives tale of putting chopped onions in his socks. This actually did seem to work but it made our whole house smell like onions. I actually did this three different times during the roughly eight days he was sick and all three times, his fever did go down. 

The doctor said that Hudson most likely had the flu. Even though he got the flu shot, she said he probably got a different strain from Ike. She also said that the only thing we could do was just push fluids and give him tylenol/ibuprofen until the sickness passed. It was kind of a horrible week.

Not to make this a super sad post though! Some fun things did happen int the past few weeks. We had a snow day that really could have just been a delay so we went out to eat and let the kids each pick a present at Walmart. Brady picked this super cool costume from a kid's show he likes.
 Hudson contemplated this Batman mask.
 While Hudson was sick he refused to be put down so I eventually just started carrying him around in this sling. He didn't seem to mind being in the sling and this allowed me to use my arms. Neither of us have had much sleep in this picture.

 Feeling better at last!!! But now we have to go out in 10 degree weather (who knows what the windchill was but it felt COLD!)

This was actually taken over Christmas but who doesn't love a bathtub picture?!?!?!?? Probably both of these guys in about ten years. 

 Jackson and Brady have been playing Batman and Robin lately. Jackson even made his own batman logo  for his shirt and a Robin logo for Brady's.