Not bad for a first try right?

I liked this tutorial because the tie is actually in two pieces. The neck strap and the tie itself. You can adjust the length just like an adult tie depending on how you tie it.

Instead of using elastic like the tutorial shows, I did Velcro for my neck strap.
Overall I was pleased with the yellow tie but not completely satisfied. I did not like how narrow the tie is (in the tutorial you use the narrow end of the tie) so I decided to make another with a few changes. I picked a tie that was a little more narrow and I took it in a little more to make it even skinnier. Then I did the same steps but I used the regular end of the tie instead of the narrow end and I think the results are much better! I tied the tie a little long so I will need to go back and retie it a little shorter.

I think I would be fine if Jackson wore either of these ties to church and the silver one should work for my brother's wedding. I saw some toddler ties on amazon but they wanted around $22 for one tie. I made both of these for $0.00. CAN I GET AN AMEN?!!?! So yea, I feel pretty good about Jackson's tie situation now.