Fur hat! I took a tweed-ish blazer that someone had given me in a box of clothes and an old fur wrap to make this hat. The hat is fur lined with pink buttons holding the ear flaps up and a pink crochet flower for prettiness. This hat didn't turn out as good as I was hoping. I have never worked with real animal hide before and I have discovered that it is my mortal enemy. I broke way too many needles making this hat. The tweed is a little crooked in the front too. Overall its turned out OK.

Please ignore how crazy I look in this picture. It was late at night when I finished the hat and I really should have waited until the next day to model it and take pictures.

I found a free pattern online for some baby shoes and I made two different pairs. The first pair is the one with the button closure but I thought they looked like elf shoes so I modified the pattern a little and that is how the purple ones came to be.

I like this pair so much better than the other ones.
Finally my favorite thing I made this week was this headband!

I got the idea from this Etsy seller: http://www.etsy.com/listing/59639601/comic-book-headband-pow-peacock-green?ref=sr_gallery_12&ga_search_query=pow+headband&ga_search_submit=&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_category=accessories.hair&ga_facet=
But I actually like my version better and mine is free!! She charges $23 for hers.

So overall I feel that my week has been very productive in the craft arena. In the housekeeping arena, not so much.
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