Monday, June 22, 2015

Father Son Time

Ike is a great dad. Like really great.  He is a better dad than I am a mom. In fact, Ike is pretty much the most amazing husband and father ever. Here is why is he so awesome. In the summer, when I want to do the yard work and go do things by myself, Ike transfers into mom mode. He makes breakfast for the kids, gets them dressed, helps them do their chores and pretty much does everything around the house for me. I was gone from 6:50am to 5pm on Saturday.  I was helping my friend with her yard sale then drove to Fullerton to help a girl sew her own homecoming dress. When I got home Ike was making dinner and had done all the laundry.  He is just really amazing at letting me do my own thing and he is completely willing to step up and do (all) the housework for me. He is awesome.

Anyway, this post is actually about the Father Son Camp-out but I got side tracked there for a minute. Anyway, about two weeks ago Ike and the boys went on the father son camp out together and had a blast.  Warning. These pics are not great and some may have actually been taken by Jackson.

 I don't know if these next few were taken with a self timer or what but obviously, one of my children did not want to stand still for a photo...

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