Christmas time is really the most wonderful time of the year. People are more giving and kind. There is something magical about a dark room lit up by a Christmas tree in the corner. I even love the cold. We got our fist little tease of snow last night. Just a dusting but it was enough to make Jackson ask to build a snow man and a snow tunnel. It wasn't quite enough snow but he and Brady still had fun dragging their feet in it to make snow tracks. We made chocolate chip cookies and brought them to a few friends in the branch. Then after, the kids and I spent about a half hour driving around Central City looking at Christmas lights. Like I said, this is just the most wonderful time of the year.
Ike gets to play Santa for the Elementary School Christmas program on Tuesday and tonight we got his suit ready. He needed some extra stuffing in the belly but in the end I think he makes a pretty good Santa! He even let me take a few shots of him in the costume!

Delivering some early presents?!??
Still handsome even with the white hair.
The boys are going to be shepherds in the branch Christmas party this Friday.
Jackson makes a pretty cute shepherd.
On a side note, Hudson turned 7 months this week. Look at this cutie:
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