1. Take a shower! This is sort of pathetic that I have to put this on a list to do it but you would be surprised how fast this one gets bumped to the back of the list when you have a million other things to do.
2. Work out for 30 minutes! So I think like 99% of other new moms I am really missing my old pre-baby body. But, even if I am not totally happy with what I have at least I am doing something so I can't beat myself up too much! I have these Susan Powter videos from the 90's that are actually really awesome and I do one a day while Jackson takes his 1pm nap. Dorky, yes. But chunky, hopefully not for much longer!
3. Clean one thing! So maybe I will have time throughout the day to clean more than one thing but even if I only clean one thing I know that I accomplished that thing and I feel good! Today I re-organized the pots and pans cupboard and yesterday I cleaned the key board on our computer.
4. Play with Jackson! I never regret playing with him and he is so cute it is hard not to enjoy singing patty cake over and over for an hour.
So there are lots of other things I do that make me feel good like trying to get my scriptures read, saying prayers, putting on makeup, doing something nice for Ike, going on a walk, sewing, etc. But I really try to get those four things done every day and when I do I feel like I have really had a productive day! Lets make it through the next three months, OK? life is usy busy busy but sooooooooooooooooooo good.

Mom with Jackson: Less than a week old.

All of us on Ike's Birthday (Dec.26th). Jackson is 8 months old!
wow he really has grown! what great goals! i've found getting a few things done each day is a good way to feel productive, especially if you tell someone about it. :)