I made Jackson a Christmas Stocking and hopefully before next Christmas I will make them for Ike and me as well. His looks a lot like the kind I had growing up that my Grandma gave us. My mom wouldn't let me keep it when I moved out because she wanted the complete set. Crazy.

We really didn't get Jackson much for Christmas because so many other family members were getting him things and when a kid is less than one he really doesn't need that much. He already has way too many toys.

Oh Christmas Tree!

Ike the ultimate Boston Sports fan got a new Patriots T-shirt!

The last time I made a turkey I successfully gave myself the worst food poisoning I had ever had. Luckily, this year, we were all fine!

Overall it really was a great Christmas! Jackson's first and only one we will spend in our little apartment!
the stocking is so cute and the turkey looks delicious!