Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brown Sugar & Cinnamon Oatmeal

A friend of mine has to watch her sodium for medical reasons and she was telling me how sad she was that she had to give up flavored oatmeal because it had so much sodium in it. Well this morning as I was making my own oatmeal for the kids and myself I had a thought! I can make her flavored oatmeal from scratch! I checked the sodium levels on the plain oatmeal I had, cinnamon and brown sugar. All three had no sodium! So I just mixed up a batch of my own homemade brown sugar cinnamon oatmeal. I had to play with the amounts of each for a while before I came up with a batch that I thought tasted pretty similar to a store bought one. Roughly it is this:
5 cups plain quick oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
Mix thoroughly

 The only ingredients!

 You can see little clumps of brown sugar floating around in there.
It really tasted so much like store bought!

The great thing is that you can add more sugar if you like it a little sweater or less cinnamon if that is too much. You could also add about a tablespoon of  powdered milk to make it a little more creamy. Best of all I finally found a use for the formula containers I have been hoarding on the back porch.

Also, this is much much MUCH cheaper than buying flavored from the store. Especially when you use the oatmeal you can purchase from LDS canneries, you can get a #10 can (pictured in first picture) which is about 2.6lbs for $2.50.  Cheap and yummy AND healthy???? Can you beat it? I don't think so.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you could make the fruit kind,too, if you had freeze dried fruit! Strawberries n' cream is my fave :D
