Sunday, March 3, 2013

Egg Noodles!

So when you have a limited grocery budget ( Like every dollar counts limited.) you find ways to make it stretch and one of the ways I found was by making some things homemade that I used to just buy. When I first tried to make egg noodles for soup they were disgusting. Think tape worm? Soggy, gooey, gross. But I have come a long way and now I feel that the ones I make are just as good if not better than store bought.
I thought I would share my egg noodle wisdom with all of ( like 4?) of you that read my blog!

Egg Noodles
1 cup flour
1 egg
2 Tablespoons milk (you can always add more flour if the dough is too wet.)

Mix them up until you have a ball of dough. Then split your dough into three or four small balls to roll out for noodles. Roll out your dough as thin as possible. Paper thin is what you want. Then using a pizza cutter (I use a ruler as well to get straight lines but you don't have to.) slice your noodles. Then hang them to dry for 4-5 hours. If you don't have a pasta drying rack (who does???) I find a hanger or two works great!

When they are nice and crispy throw them into a pot of boiling water or broth and they will be done in about ten minutes. They are excellent in Chicken noodle soup or as pasta. Enjoy!!!


  1. awesome! I might have to try this. do you roll them out on a floured surface?

    1. I usually put a little flour down on the counter and flour the rolling pin. Good Luck!

  2. OOH I want to try this, too :D Looks yum!
