Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mama Carr and Libby Come to Nebraska!

We had two awesome mini visits from Ike's mom when she was driving his sister Libby out to BYU-I! I love when people come see us even if it is for a short time.
 It's like Christmas when Grandma comes to town!

 Aunt Libby is the BOMB!!!!
We love Grandma Carr!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

First Days

 Let's talk about some firsts! Ike started his first day of his 4th year of teaching!!! I can't believe we have been in Nebraska that long! He is coaching again this year as well as doing a TON of other activities. I am so proud of how hard he works during the school year.
 The biggest news though, is that Jackson started pre-school this year! I can't believe THIS TINY CHILD is already starting his school career. It makes me sad to think about honestly.
Obviously Jackson is not sad though. He loves pre-school.

Brady couldn't be left out in all the backpack wearing fun.