Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Work Work Work

So Ike and I have busy work schedules. Usually I leave for work just as Ike is getting home and then I get home around the time he has left for his second job. Since we both work two jobs and the hours go from early in the morning to very late at night most of the time we spend together is spent sleeping. I have a new job doing custodial in the Wilkinson Center from 10pm to 2am. It is a little tiring but my body is adjusting. We are glad we are working this way now though. It helps us stay out of debt and save for the future. I can see us telling our kids about this time in our lives when they are our age now.

1 comment:

  1. April that can't be good D: You two should take at least one mutual night a week off and spend some real time together other than just in passing!!! DO IT!!!
