Monday, July 20, 2009


Well Ike and I are pretty proud of ourselves! We have been working like crazy all summer and this is the first big thing we can show for it. We bought our first car today. We actually started looking at this car over a month ago. At first I actually didn't like it but I absolutely love it now! I think we should name it Hans because it originally came from Germany. I am so excited. It is a 1999 Volkswagen Golf. Not the most fancy car but I am in love with it. Now we are really going to have to watch what we eat because I think walking everywhere was the only thing keeping us thin! This has been the biggest purchase we have made as a couple and it was exciting. Now I just have to learn to drive a stick! I think I will be OK. Love to you all!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Oregon Trip!

Oregon was AWESOME!!! Ike and I had an amazing time in Oregon. We got to got to tons of cool places. We went to the coast and saw some beautiful waterfalls. Ike got to go to Idaho and Oregon for the first time and that was fun. We stayed with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Rich in their house for some of the trip and the other part we stayed in an awesome cabin near diamond lake. It was really fun to see all the cousins and relatives that we hadn't seen in a while. The trip was over too soon really and it was sad because Jess and Regan leave for Germany in less than a month. Jared is gone from Provo for now so it is just Ike and I holding down the BYU fort. It is weird to have Abe, Ashley and Jared gone but we are working to keep ourselves busy so its not so bad. It has been HOT HOT HOT here and we don't have air-conditioning. we have been using less and less blankets which is good because it saves on laundry. Ike and I are both looking forward to school starting. I am especially excited because this is my last year!!! Overall we are working hard and staying happy. We miss all you guys and can't wait for the next time we get to see some family. Our one year anniversary is coming up soon and we are both going to get work off so we can spend the entire day together. We think we might see the movie Up. It sounds good and everyone we have talked to has loved it. It would be fun to go see a movie in the theater. It is sooo expensive here to see a movie in the normal theater. Overall we are doing awesome and loving life. We love you all!!! Here are some highlights from the vacation!