Monday, December 3, 2012

The Avengers Challenge

So Ike and I watched The Avengers a few weeks ago and even though we liked it, we were left with a few questions. We had not seen all the movies leading up to it that we should have and were frankly unprepared to see the movie and enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Luckily, our branch has a family that I feel comfortable calling experts in comic book knowledge and after discussing with them what we thought of the Avengers, they gave us some homework to help us better appreciate it. We did it and now both Ike and I feel much more competent (and not to mention cool) because we have all this new Super Hero info in our brains. So now I pass what they gave us along to you! I challenge you to do the homework then re-watch the Avengers. I promise you will enjoy it more!

You have to start by watching these movies in this particular order: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America. Then as you watch these movies you have to answer the following questions. Some of these may require the help of the internet. In exactly 7 days (Which I think should be enough time to complete this assignment) I will post all the answers to the questions and you can see how well you did!
These are the questions exactly as they were assigned to us:

Iron Man

1. An old man appears in all of these movies. Who is he? Why do we care?
*After credits: Appearance of Nick Fury! Big geek moment!

The Incredible Hulk
1. What is the bad Hulk's comic book name? (A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N)
2. What other Hulk villain's origin is shown in this movie? (L_ _ _ _ R)
3. What other Hero makes an appearance? (After the credits)
4. Who played the computer department guard and why do we care?

Iron Man 2

1. What are the comic book names for these actor's characters?
- Scarlett Johansson (B_ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ W)
-Mickey Rourke (W_ _ _ _ _ _ H)
-Don Cheadle (W_ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ E)

2.Which two items appear in this movie that belong to other Heroes not yet seen  at that point in time? (Be sure to watch after the credits!)

THOR (This one was totally my favorite in case you were wondering.)

1. Thor mentions "Yggdrasil". What is it?

2.Which other Hero movie is it mentioned in?

3. How is it tied to the glowing cube?

Captain America

1. What other Super Hero has Chris Evans portrayed?

Re-watch the Avengers and don't be so ungeekingly clueless!

So there you have it! Do the homework and in 7 days I'll post the answers! Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. haha this seems fun :D I have to say, though, we have watched all of those movies so many times! I definitely don't think I'm an expert and there were a few questions that I would have to use google for. But this looks fun!
