Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Camera...No Posts :(

The light in our closet blew out a few weeks ago and in order to find some clothes one morning I took the rechargeable batteries out of my camera and put them in a flash light. Unfortunately, later that day Jackson was playing with said flashlight and I have not seen it since. The batteries in the flashlight are the only ones I own and until I find it (or eventually break down under the immense pain of not being able to use my camera and buy two new rechargeable batteries) I won't be able to take pictures and because I HATE HATE HATE (HATE!) posting without pics, my number of posts will decrease. I am sure the camera will turn up eventually..hopefully..*sigh*.

So anyway today I thought I would just write updates as to what the kids were up to lately.

Jackson has been really into Thomas the Tank Engine lately. He is also my parrot. After hearing a primary song two or three times he can sing almost the entire thing. (I'll try to get a video up of that at some point.)

He has been having really strange dreams lately. The other night he woke up crying around 4:30am that Brady ate his breakfast. It took me a solid 15 minutes to convince him it was not real (I still don't really know if I was successful because he still talks about it.) and go back to sleep. He has also learned to cover his mouth when he sneezes or coughs and likes to show me with mock sneezes and coughs. Jackson is very helpful and obedient and likes to help put toys away.

No food is safe with Brady in the room. If he can reach it he will eat it. He is getting less and less interested in formula and really only wants to eat solid food. He can pull himself up to a standing position on furniture or anything else he can get a grip on and then he can actually walk holding the furniture to get to where he wants to go. It is really crazy. He does fall a lot which is constatly keeping me worried for concussions. He usually is OK though and gets back up to where he was before. He wants everything Jackson has and wants to be everywhere Jackson is. This is too bad for Jackson because he feels just about the opposite about Brady. I think that is the main reason Brady is so mobile, he is just trying to keep up with Jackson.

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