Monday, February 11, 2013

Just Can't Get Enough!

We love oatmeal yes we do! We love oatmeal how 'bout you!? 

Brady's favorite favorite favorite food right now is oatmeal with apple sauce. But, to be perfectly honest, he will eat just about anything. He can down an adult sized portion of oatmeal and ten minutes later start grabbing at your sandwich. Jackson on the other hand eats about as much as your average child living in a third world country. He takes two bites of anything and says he is full. Brady usually goes for his left overs.

*Jackson woke up crying in the middle of the night a few weeks ago saying that Brady ate his breakfast. It was obviously a dream but unfortunately for Jackson, as soon as Brady can walk and reach the table on his own, I am pretty sure this is a possible reality.*

1 comment:

  1. Sasha's favorite food is oatmeal, too! He asks for it every morning (with honey, of course).

    by the way, can you tell I'm getting caught up on your blog haha??
