Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Failure= Oppertuniy for Growth!!!

Sometimes I feel like the things I am worst at are the things I wish I was the best at. One of Ike's coworker's mother passed away and I really wanted to make her a loaf of cinnamon bread. I worked on this bread for over three hours this morning (mixing, rising, adding cinnamon, rising, baking, etc.) and when the timer went off and I took the pan out of the oven do you know what I got?

And don't be confused by it's appearance in resemblance to its close cousin:

So my bread was a loaf of slightly cinnamony brick. At first I was really sad...but then I had a few things come to mind:

1. KEEP MOVING FORWARD! A line from the movie Meet the Robinsons.

2. President Uchtdorf's talk about the Forget Me Not and how he said that even people who seem perfect are not!

3. My and Ike's favorite Tom Brady quote, "It's gonna' be a great comeback guys!"

So as these thoughts went through my head I realized I may stink at making bread now but someday I am going to be the best bread-maker ever!!! I WILL OVERCOME!

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