Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things to do!

Sewing Projects I will definitely have done before the baby is born:

1. Make nursing pillow. (Half way done with this one project!)

2. Make a few cute nursing covers.

3. Make blessing gown/blessing suit for baby.

Projects I would like to do but don't know if I will have time or budget:

1. Car seat canopy.

2. Cute baby bibs.

3. Cradle bedding. (This one really depends on weather or not I am able to find a cradle at a yard sale or thrift store. I really want one but they are waaaaay too expensive to buy new.)

Projects I will 99% not do because of time, budget, or skill level.

1. Car seat re-cover. (I want to do this one so bad!!!)

2. Cute mobile.

Pretty busy schedule in my future! Now I just have to focus on the non-sewing tasks in my immediate future:
1. Help Jackson get better from his Pink Eye and Ear Infection (Yes, he has both at the same time!)
2. Keep myself from getting Pink Eye.
3. Stay healthy and deliver baby.


  1. I can give you a solution to one of your "maybe dos"... You can make a nursing cover that is also a carseat cover. Ilene Thatcher (in P4) came up with the brilliant idea to combine the two concepts! She made me one and I loved it. It meant not having to worry about space for a nursing cover. Basically make the carseat cover and add a neck strap. Just a thought to ease your load!

  2. OOOOHHH! I love that idea! Especially since cute fabric is so darn expensive. Thanks for the tip!!!
